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The Corgi Shiba Mix: Everything You Need to Know

The Corgi Shiba Mix: Everything You Need to Know

corgi shiba mix

Last Updated on December 4, 2022 by May Jones

If you’re considering adding a Corgi Shiba mix to your family, or just want to learn more about this unique breed, here’s what you should know.

First of all, the Corgi Shiba mix is also known as a “Corgi Shiba Inu” or “Shiba Corgi”. These pups are a mix of the popular Welsh Corgi and Japanese Shiba Inu breeds.

Corgi Shiba mixes tend to have a playful, energetic personality and can make great family companions. They may also inherit their Corgi parent’s herding instincts, so early training and socialization are important for them to learn proper behavior.

In terms of appearance, Corgi Shiba mixes can take after either parent breed or have a combination of traits. These pups typically have medium-length coats that may come in various colors and patterns.

Like any mixed breed, there is no guarantee about the specific physical and personality traits a Corgi Shiba mix may have. As with any breed or mix, it’s important to do research and find a reputable breeder before bringing a puppy home.

Overall, the Corgi Shiba mix can make a fun and affectionate addition to your family as long as they receive proper care and training. If you have any specific questions about the breed, be sure to ask a veterinarian or experienced breeder for more information.

image of corgi on the left and shiba inu on the right

What Is a Corgi Shiba Mix?

Corgi Shiba mix is a designer dog breed that is a cross between a Corgi and a Shiba Inu. This breed is known for being intelligent, alert, and loyal.

Appearance of a Corgi Shiba Mix

When it comes to the appearance of a Corgi Shiba mix, there is no definitive answer. This is because these dogs can inherit traits from either parent breed, making each one unique.

However, some physical characteristics are commonly seen in these mixes. One of the most distinguishing features of a Corgi Shiba mix is its short legs.

This is because Corgis are a dwarf breed, and their legs are relatively short in comparison to their body. Shiba Inus, on the other hand, have proportionately longer legs.

Shiba inu dog
Image: Jae Lee on Unsplash

As a result, Corgi Shiba mixes will typically have shorter legs than a Shiba Inu. Another physical characteristic that is often seen in Corgi Shiba mixes is a “stubby” appearance.

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This is due to the Corgi’s short stature and barrel-shaped body. Shiba Inus, on the other hand, are more slender and have a more elegant appearance.

Consequently, Corgi Shiba mixes will often have a more “stubby” look to them. One final physical characteristic that is common in Corgi Shiba mixes is a thick, fluffy coat.

This is because both Corgis and Shiba Inus have thick, double coats. As a result, Corgi Shiba mixes will typically have a very thick and fluffy coat of fur.

corgi napping
Image: Samantha Jean on Unsplash

Personality of a Corgi Shiba Mix

Corgi Shiba mixes are known for being energetic, playful, and affectionate. They can make great companions for active families and individuals. However, it also means that they need plenty of mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. This could be in the form of daily walks, interactive toys, and puzzle feeders.


Corgi Shiba mix breed dogs are active and intelligent and make great companions.

However, they can also be headstrong and stubborn, so be prepared for some training challenges. As with any breed or mix, it’s important to do research and find a reputable breeder before bringing a puppy home. Overall, the Corgi Shiba mix can make a fun and affectionate addition to your family as long as they receive proper care and training.

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