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The Corgi vs Shiba Inu Dilemma: Which Dog is Right for You?

The Corgi vs Shiba Inu Dilemma: Which Dog is Right for You?

image of corgi on the left and shiba inu on the right

Last Updated on December 4, 2022 by May Jones

Corgi vs Shiba Inu – How do they compare? The main difference between Corgis and Shiba Inus is the exercise requirement, averagely speaking. Corgis are known for their high energy levels and may need a lot of daily exercise to stay happy and healthy.

On the other hand, Shiba Inus can be quite content with just a short walk or two a day. Keep in mind though that this is an average. This means that there may be some lazy Corgis and very active Shibas.

That’s the biggest difference, in my opinion. But there are lots of smaller differences too. Corgis are known for their herding abilities, while Shiba Inus were bred to hunt small game. Corgis tend to be more social and outgoing, while Shibas can be more aloof with strangers. And corgis have those short little legs and long bodies, while Shibas have a compact and muscular build.

Corgi vs Shiba Inu: Looks

When it comes to appearance, both the Corgi and Shiba have a lot to offer. The corgi is a small but sturdy dog with short legs and a long body, while the Shiba is a sleek and elegant dog with a compact build. For what it’s worth, you wouldn’t carry a Shiba Inu in a backpack, but you could carry your Corgi in a dog backpack.

Both breeds come in a variety of colours, though the most popular corgi colours are black, red, and tri-colour, while the most popular Shiba colours are red and black.

Picture of a corgi
Image: Michal Mikulec on Unsplash

Corgi vs Shiba Inu: Personality

When it comes to personality, the Corgi is an energetic and playful breed that loves to be the centre of attention, while the Shiba is a more independent and aloof breed that is content to lounge around the house.

However, both breeds are intelligent and loyal and make great companions. If you’re looking for a small but mighty dog with a big personality, the corgi is the perfect fit.

If you’re looking for a beautiful and independent dog that will be content to lounge around the house, the Shiba is the right breed for you.

Key Takeaway: The corgi is a small but energetic breed that loves to be the centre of attention, while the Shiba is a more independent and aloof breed that is content to lounge around the house.

Corgi vs Shiba Inu: History

Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs in Wales, while the Shiba Inu breed originated in Japan as hunting dogs.

Both breeds have a long history of being loyal and beloved companions, but their origins do result in some differences. Corgis are known for their desire to herd and may try to herd people or other animals, while Shibas are known for their hunting abilities and may try to hunt smaller animals or birds.

So if you have a household with small pets or livestock, neither the Corgi nor the Shiba Inu may be a good fit. However, both breeds make excellent companions and can excel in various activities such as agility or obedience.

Key Takeaway: The Corgi was originally bred as a herding dog in Wales, while the Shiba Inu originated in Japan as a hunting breed. Their histories may result in some differences in behaviour, such as Corgis trying to herd and Shibas trying to hunt small animals.

Picture of a Shiba inu dog
Image: Patrícia Hellinger on Unsplash

Pros and Cons of Corgi vs Shiba Inu

Both Corgis and Shiba Inus have their own unique pros and cons as breeds.

Corgis are affectionate and playful dogs that love attention, but their high energy levels and herding instinct may require extra training and exercise.

Shiba Inus are independent and sleek dogs, but they can be more aloof with strangers and may require additional socialization training.

Overall, both Corgis and Shiba Inus make wonderful companions for the right owner. It’s important to do research on any breed before bringing them into your home, as every dog has their own specific needs and requirements.

Key Takeaway: Corgis and Shibas are both intelligent, loyal breeds that make great companion dogs. Corgis are higher energy and need more exercise, while Shibas are more independent.


Here’s a quick rundown of the key differences between these two breeds:

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Corgis are smaller than Shibas. A full-grown corgi typically weighs between 20 and 30 pounds, while a full-grown Shiba typically weighs between 20 and 40 pounds.


Corgis have a thick, furry coat that sheds moderately. Shibas have a thin coat that sheds very little.

Energy level:

Corgis are high-energy dogs that need a lot of exercise. Shibas are relatively low-energy dogs that don’t need as much exercise.


Corgis are friendly, outgoing, and loving. Shibas are independent, aloof, and sometimes even a bit standoffish.

PS: If you made it this far – did you know that there’s also a Corgi Shiba mix breed?

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