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How To Stop A Corgi From Barking: A No-Fuss Guide

How To Stop A Corgi From Barking: A No-Fuss Guide

Corgi looking at something

Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by May Jones

Ah, corgis. They’re fluffy, they’re adorable, and they love a good chat. Sometimes, a bit too much. If your corgi is turning into the neighborhood gossip, it’s time to understand the chatter and bring some peace and quiet back home. Let’s dive into the world of corgi barks and find out how to dial down the volume without losing the fun.

Why Is My Corgi Barking?

In order to stop a corgi from barking it’s really important to figure out why the fluffball is barking in the first place.

Here’s the scoop:

1. Seeking Attention

Look at Me!: Sometimes, your corgi just wants a bit of TLC. If they’re barking at you, they might just be saying, “Hey! Remember me? The fluffy one?”

2. Separation Anxiety

Lonely Hearts Club: Corgis don’t love alone time. Leave them by themselves, and they might start singing the blues… loudly.

3. Boredom or Excess Energy

Boredom Blues: A bored corgi is a noisy corgi. If they’ve got too much pep and nowhere to spend it, they’ll start their own bark party.

4. Alerting or Warning

Stranger Danger: Corgis are tiny watchdogs. Anything odd (read: squirrel on the fence, leaf blowing by, mailman) could set off their alarm system.

5. Responding to Other Dogs

Choir Practice: Heard the neighborhood dogs lately? Your corgi has, and they’re just joining in. It’s like karaoke night for them.

corgi bark
Image: Canva Pro

So How Do You Stop Your Corgi From Barking?

By now you should have a sense of why your chatty corgi might be kicking up a fuss. Next up, let’s talk strategy. Turning down the volume involves a mix of understanding, patience, and sometimes, a little creativity. Here’s how to address each reason your corgi might be barking up a storm.

1. For the Attention Seekers

Silence is Golden: Ignoring the bark and rewarding the silence can work wonders. Wait for a pause in the barking, then offer a treat or affection. It’s all about timing—reward the quiet moments, and they’ll start to catch on that silence, not barking, is what gets your attention.

2. For the Lonely Hearts

Quality Time Before Alone Time: It’s no secret that corgis can struggle with separation anxiety, feeling like solo artists without their duet partners. To ease their solo performance jitters, dedicate some fun-filled moments with your corgi before you leave.

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Engage in a lively game of fetch or take them for an invigorating walk; activities like these not only tire them out but also reassure them of your bond. Plus, a challenging puzzle toy can be a fantastic distraction, keeping their brain engaged and easing the worry of you stepping out.

3. For the Bored and Energetic

Mix Up the Routine: Regular, varied exercise is key. Corgis thrive on mental and physical stimulation, so try different activities like agility training or new walking routes. Also, interactive toys that challenge their brains can keep them engaged and quiet.

4. For the Watchful Protectors

Training the Alert Out of Them: Teaching a “quiet” command is invaluable. Let your corgi bark two or three times, then say “quiet” and hold a treat in front of their nose. They’ll likely stop barking to sniff the treat. Praise them for being quiet and give them the treat. Over time, they’ll learn that “quiet” means they should stop barking.

corgi eating a treat
Image: Canva Pro

5. For the Social Butterflies

Socialization with a Twist: If your corgi loves to join the canine chorus, work on socializing them in more controlled environments. Introduce them to other dogs in one-on-one settings or smaller groups. Reward calm interactions and gradually they’ll learn that not every dog sighting or sound needs a vocal response.

Extra Tips for Peaceful Coexistence

  • Be a Calm Leader: Corgis pick up on our energy. Stay calm and assertive when issuing commands or calming them down. If you’re anxious or excited, your corgi will mirror that energy.
  • Consistent Rules: Make sure everyone in the household is on the same page. If you’re teaching “quiet,” but someone else is encouraging barking, it’ll confuse your corgi.
  • Health Check: Sometimes, excessive barking can be a sign of discomfort or health issues. If your corgi’s barking habits change suddenly or if they seem distressed, it’s worth a trip to the vet

Wrapping Up

Remember, barking is a part of your corgi’s way of communicating. The goal isn’t to silence them completely but to understand their needs and manage excessive barking.

With patience, training, and a bit of detective work, you can keep the barking to a happy minimum. Here’s to enjoying the quieter moments with your fluffy companion, knowing that when they do bark, it’s for a good reason.

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